Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Can You Hear Me Now?

listening to: Breaking Free - High School Musical

Hooray for having the Internets back! It's not much to "hooray" for but we can pretend. So while I was gone, I have come to a splendid conclusion.


All phones. House phones. Cell phones. Walk Talkies. Anything that you speak into and your voice comes out another end. Don't get me wrong--the face that the human race can communicate from one side of the world to another is absolutely revolutionary. I, personally, hate using them.

Let's take this past week for example. So I haven't been able to use Instant Messaging or other forms of communicating across the computer because, as you know, we've been in the middle of moving [and completely moved in now!] It actually makes me kind of sad though, to think that the only way I talk to most of my friends is in person or through a plastic box containg wires and memory boards..

Anyway, so with the lack of technology, I have had to resort to something a little more old school. Phones. Now I normally carry my cell phone with me, and if I ever use it, it's for txting, alarm clock, or checking the time. But no--for the past week and a half, I actually had to call people to figure out what was going on one night, or how to do a problem on our homework. Do you want to know how many times I had to call 3 people to see what was going on? Ten. That's ten phone calls in less than 30 munites. I could have used that 30 minutes to spend my time much more productively. But when you have to call people, and then call another person, and oh, call the first person back to confirm something.. Yes, it takes way too much time ["on my hands," sorry, music ADD].

Oh, and then in the middle of another phone call, my cell decides that it wants to lose the signal and start roaming in the middle of my bedroom. What kind of nonsense is that? And then my phone randomly turns on in the middle of a driving lesson and starts making random noises saying that I was recieving a txt. Yeah, nice.

Just three words. I. Hate. Phones.

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