Friday, August 31, 2007

Blue, 42, Set!

listening to: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

I just want to say this right now. If you're having a bad day, friends make it a million times better. No joke. I could be in the worst mood, and it can be instantly changed by some of my best friends. You have absolutely NO IDEA how thankful I am for them. They are my life, and without them, I honestly have no clue where I would be right now. Cheers to Abigail, Double Dee, Katie Liz, Wombat, Lee, and Lindz :D

My school had their first home football game yesterday! And we lost big time. Let's just say our score was only half of the opposing team's. Yeah, I thought we were supposed to be good this year too. Oh well, I have more fun hanging out with my bandmates than watching the game anyway. [Ya, for sure.]

I have also discovered a new musician/artist [thanks to Wombat] that I actually enjoy. MIKA. He's a cross between Freddy Mercury and Prince, but he's amazing. My favorite song is Grace Kelly. You've probably heard it before, even if you don't recognize the title. You should listen to it, if you haven't. Seriously. Here's just some of the lyrics:

I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

I absolutely LOVE songs that explains the predicaments I'm in :D Well, I must go get ready so we can continue moving to the new house.

Peace out.!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


listening to: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix soundtrack

The big move is going okay so far. The house needs to be swifered and dusted and lysol-ed, which is what my mother and i have been doing for 3 days. I have marching band rehersals and an upcoming football game though, so that gets me out of most of the cleaning! I can't wait to finally move boxes in and put everything where it belongs. Oh, and I thank all of my friends who have volunteered to help me move in :] <3

Other than that, everything else has been okay. Nothing spectacular, considering we start school in less than a week.. I love my schedule though. One of my close friends and I share the exact same one too; every class, teacher, and lunch hour! Several of my other friends are in the majority of my classes or have the same teachers as me, so we can always have study groups again this year. And FINALLY, my twin sister Abby is in not one, but two of my classes where we might actually be able to see each other instead of just across the room! [Thanks to Star Trek last year.] :D

Hmm, well I better "study" for my big Driver's Training test tomorrow! Toodles!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

In the beginning..

listening to: Pirate's of the Caribbean: At World's End soundtrack

Hello, I'm Madeline Morgan, or Maddy for short. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to make a blog, so I'll just tell you a little about myself instead.

I have bright brown eyes and dark curly hair that is almost always up in a ponytail. My sixteenth birthday is coming up within the next two weeks and that makes me pretty excited, except for the fact it is on the first day of school. I live in the only US state where you can use your palm to explain where you live and how far north you go in the summer, Michigan.

And right now, I'm in the process of moving into a newer [and much, much bigger] house! I still don't know if I'm happy or sad to leave the place where I grew up, but there are pros and cons to each house and it's location. I'm just happy I will get to live by three of my best friends, including my twin sister, Artemis Abigail Morgan! [She was the one who inspired me to make this too!] All three of them will basically live down the street from me, just a hop and a skip to the other side of a main road :P

Music. It's the only word that can define who I truely am. I listen to it, I play it, and sometimes, I even try to compose it, but that never works out too well. Every single day I find myself singing to some of my favorite songs [very out of tune I must add], listening to new ones, or humming a tune from a television commercial. It never goes away, but that's how I like it. I am also involved in my school's Marching, Symphonic, and Beginning Jazz Bands, and I couldn't tell you how much I love it. I've met so many incredible people [many of whom have become my best and closest friends], and I've grown as a musician as well.

Well I better be off to go get ready and visit my new house!

simply outrageous<3